New! We Now Offer Dedicated Servers

Need a dedicated server? We can build it for you!

Dedicated servers mean that you have root access, you have control over all of the resources on your server (CPU, RAM, Storage Space). All dedicated servers are unmanaged (this means you or your systems administrator is responsible for installing and updating software on the device). All come with 24/7/365 ticket support.

We have really great deals on dedicated servers because we have a ton of suppliers and our suppliers give us a really great rate. Let’s lock you into one of those great rates.

Here are just a few of the features you can get:

    • Intel dual core multi-thread processors
    • Intel Hexacore multi-thread processors
    • AMD single core multi-thread processors
    • RAID5 configuration
    • KVM Access
    • 24/7/365 Ticket Support
    • 24/7/365 Phone Support ($31 per incident)
    • Guaranteed 99% Uptime
    • OS installation (AlmaLinux, RockyLinux, Ubuntu, etc.)
    • Disk setup (Raid5, partitioning, mounting, etc.)

Contact us through our support panel to find out more.

Custom Orders

Custom orders are put together by our technology engineers and support engineers according to your specifications. If there’s something we can’t do we’ll tell you up front. If we have access to the things we need to create your custom hosting package, we’ll give you a price quote.

Welcome to American Hosting

We set up our first two servers today and are ready to serve the community. We offer shared hosting on CloudLinux or Ubuntu. Our cloud services will be set up in the coming weeks. Offering cloud hosting plans on Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud will let us to scale as you grow. It will also give us redundancy that you can’t get with dedicated services from a single data center.

Our plans come with Immunify 24/7/365 monitoring, Jet Backups, nightly cloud backups, and Installatron’s single click installer. We have reliable hardware, up-to-date software (Apache, PHP, MySQL, Tomcat, Perl, NodeJS, and more), and top-notch support.

Give us a try today. We have a thirty day money-back guarantee no questions asked. We offer a free domain with every hosting package, too. You get tons of great products and services with our hosting plans that you won’t get from the other guys. Plus, we stand behind our work.